The Guided Tree, an Art Invitation

The Guided Tree is an art-based therapeutic activity, designed to help individuals explore the things and activities that help ground them in challenging times, the core characteristics they see in themselves, and to help them identify goals and growth.
In my practice, I usually present this to my clients in the first three sessions —at a point where I feel like we've got to know each other, and it's an appropriate time for us to set goals, and to figure out what skills they've been using to get them through some of their triggers.
Video: The Guided Tree an Art Invitation
Used in earlier sessions, it can create a framework to set identifiable goals, and help identify current tools accessible to the client.
The activity uses the metaphor of a tree, where different parts represent aspects of the self, life history, or aspirations.
Here's a way to think about it:
Roots: Represent one’s foundations, such as family, cultural background, or values.
Trunk: Symbolizes personal strengths, skills, and characteristics that support one in life.
Branches: Reflect hopes, dreams, and future goals.
Leaves: Might represent important people, relationships, or achievements.
Fruits or Flowers: Represent accomplishments or rewards of one’s efforts.
Knots or Scars: Can symbolize challenges, traumas, or significant life events.
This activity can be a powerful way for clients to visually express their experiences and feelings, facilitating self-reflection and therapeutic conversations.