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Stephanie Rudolph, LMFT

Nov 1, 2024

Video Transcript

The Bridge Activity an Art Invitation

This art invitation is called The Bridge; and I present this to clients when they feel stuck in between, where they feel they are, and where they want to be.

And it's a good art invitation for them, to help them visualize the steps with which they need, to get to the space that they want to be in.

I start with asking my clients to draw a bridge; and this can be any bridge. I often get the question of: should this look like a bridge [that] I know? And I always say, just draw a bridge from your imagination. It doesn't matter what it looks like.

And once they've drawn the bridge, I ask them to draw on the left side of the picture, where they feel they're at. And they can do this with color, they can do this with an image, they can do this with words; however they want to fill in that side.

It's just supposed to represent where they feel they're at right now. And when they move to the right side, that's supposed to represent where they want to be.

And again, it could be through color, it could be through an image --however they want to. It could be through words.

As you can see on either side i have a small kind of fall tree, to a more to a more grown big tree, just to depict growth. And then they'll design. They can draw whatever they want in this picture. It doesn't have to be specific.

Some clients will draw just what you ask them to do and some will draw a little more. They'll fill in however they want to fill in to make it look like a picture.

At which point I'll have them put themselves on the bridge, once they're done with the picture. And once they've placed themself on the bridge, I'll ask them to do some form of markers --from where they are on the bridge, to where they want to be.

And those markers, once they've been drawn, they'll have arrows to it --and these are the steps they think they see they need to take to get from where they are to where they want to be.

And then we just move through the steps.

And that's the bridge activity; and it's a great place to start conversation on how they see themselves getting to their end goal.

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