Stephanie Rudolph, LMFT
Aug 10, 2021
Video Transcript
The Guided Tree an Art Invitation
I am going to present for you today an art invitation called the Guided Tree.
I present this to my clients usually in the first three sessions, at a point that I think is, once we've got to know each other, and it feels like an appropriate time for us to set goals, and to figure out what skills they've been using to get them through some of their triggers.
I provide for them a pad of paper and any kind of art utensil. Right now, I have colored pencils. I will also offer just a regular pencil, a regular pen, colored pens, crayons.
I tend not to do paint because I like the lines on this invite to be a little bit cleaner and paint can make it a little more challenging; but you're welcome to use paint if you have that available and you like to use that medium with your clients.
The purpose of this invite is to help define goals, the client's core strengths and what helps them through some of the challenges --so, skills they're already using to let them see that they have those skills available to them.
So let's get started.
So with the paper what I'll do is, I'll ask them to start with the roots of a tree and once they have the roots I'll ask them to do the trunk. And after the trunk i'll ask them to do branches --and that's not a perfect art, just to do however it flows and then to look at the tree and decide what season they want it. And to decorate the tree accordingly.
And again just to let the art flow from them. I'm not grading them on the art. It's not meant to be anything but a representation of what we what we talk about in the in the final portion of this art invitation.
And once they have the tree decorated in the season, I'll have them look at the tree and decide what else they want to add.
So how can they complete this picture. What needs to be added in the background, is there anything they want in or on the tree, anything that they feel completes the picture of the tree; and just to decorate it as as they see as they see the picture would look in their mind.
And once they have that, I'll have them go back down [to the bottom of the drawing] and we'll start from the from the ground again, of the roots, to draw, to write words in there that express what grounds them. What are the things that they need in their life to help them feel rooted to it.
Then, in the trunk of the tree three, three characteristics that they would use to describe themselves; and these can be could be positives or things that they might struggle with.
And then, in the branches, these are the things they reach for: their dreams, hope, wishes, goals.
And when they're done with that, I had them look into the foliage of what they drew as the season and write ways in which they've grown or want to grow. Places that they've done the work or that they still want to do the work.
And when they're done with that, I have them look at the picture as a whole. And in looking at that, at the tree and how they see the additions that they've added, in what ways do those represent their view of themselves.
And once you've completed the entire art invite, then you just go back with your clients and you kind of discuss each piece. Do they want to elaborate on any of the pieces. And when you get to the top and you see the places they want to grow, you just further discuss how can we work towards this growth.
And that is the Guided Tree.