Relationships and Intimacy
Intimacy involves feelings of emotional closeness and connectedness with another person. Intimate relationships are often characterized by attitudes of mutual trust, caring, and acceptance. Though intimacy has many definitions, there are four general types: emotional, physical, spiritual and mental. All are created by sharing space with another person and trusting them with your mind, body and heart.
The happiest and healthiest relationships center around seven key concepts:
1.) Knowledge - sharing personal and intimate information with our partners that include our dreams, desires, fears and past history
2.) Interdependence - the influence and dependence of partners on each other
3.) Care - the genuine concern and comfort shared in a partnership
4.) Trust - the confidence we place in our partner to act with honor and fairness towards shared goals
5.) Responsiveness - recognition, understanding, and support for each other in both positive and challenging times
6.) Mutuality - viewing the partnership as a “couple,” moving from individuality towards seeing the partnership as a system
7.) Commitment - the idea of longevity, that regardless of the challenges faced within the relationship, both partners are in it for an indeterminate amount of time.
If you find yourself struggling to develop healthy relationships, or engaging in repeated relational patterns that do not serve you well, therapy can be a valuable tool. Therapy may help you increase your understanding of factors that create relational challenges and help you to develop more satisfying and intimate relationships.